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P. O. Box 408-40200 Kisii, Kenya | Mobile : +254 721 531 127 |0737 261 165 Emails : & 


Lecturer-& Strategic Management Expert-School of Business & Economics- Kisii  University 

Former School Leader-School of Business & Economics- Eldoret Campus

It’s my objective to pursue a career in which I shall attain the highest level of  productivity, working diligently as a team member, utilizing the knowledge and skills  gained through time and be able to exploit my potential to the best of my abilities. 


I have over 12 years teaching experience in Strategic Management, Organizational &  Management Change Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Marketing Management and Human Capital Management. I earned the experience while working at  JKUAT and Kisii Universities. I hold a PhD in Business Administration (Strategic  Management) JKUAT, an MBA in Strategic Management (JKUAT), Bachelors of  Commerce, HRM Option (JKUAT) and an ABMA UK Diploma in Human Resource &  Business Management. I am also a full member of Human Resource Management in  Kenya. I am computer literate.  


A highly dependable Manager always delivering optimally 

Innovative and posses the drive and skill to motivate others 

Skilled Trainer 

Possession of excellent written and oral communication skills 


2012 - 2019: PhD (Business Administration-Strategic Management), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) 

2008- 2010: Masters in Business Administration (Strategic Management), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)

2005-2008: Bachelor of Commerce (Human Resource Management), Jomo Kenyatta  University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) 


2001-2001: Diploma in Human Resource and Business Management (UK) 1989-1992: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE (C+), Karima Boys 


Full Member Number 1996 of the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM),  Kenya 


I’m proficient in Ms Word, Excel, Outlook, and the Internet 


January 2023- COD-School of Business & Economics- Eldoret Campus-Kisii  University 

May 2022-Acting Coordinator-School of Business &Economics-Eldoret Campus February 2021-Programme Leader-Postgraduate-Kisii University-Eldoret Campus 

December 2019- June 2020 Position: Coordinator Post-graduate Programmes - Kisii  University-Nairobi Campus. 

2017 January: In charge Directorate of Quality Assurance - Kisii University-Nairobi  Campus. 

2015: Coordinator-School of Business & Economics-Kisii University-Kericho Campus Lecturing Experience: 

I have a wealth of experience spanning over 10 years in mentoring and teaching both  postgraduate and undergraduate students in various universities.Units undertaken are like  Strategic Management,Strategic Human resource management, Management of  Change,Project Management ,Principles and Practices of management and Projects  supervision. 

Sep 2008 - Aug 2009: Administrator, Continuing Education Programmes, JKUAT Sep 2009 – Aug 2015: Administrator-Institute of Biotechnology Research (IBR-JKUAT).

Duties and Responsibilities: 

Advise the project staff on various administrative issues 

Research and retrieve statistical data from internal and external sources; prepare  statistical charts, tables and reports; 

Follow up on deadlines, commitments made, actions taken and coordinate collection and  submission of the reports to head unit; 

Support conference, workshops, retreats; 

Arrange appointments and meetings; 

Coordinate academic functions on behalf of the Institute’s programmes; Provide general administrative support to the operations of the Institute; Assist in the preparation of budget revisions, determination of unutilized funds, e.t.c Give assistance in monitoring of the production units output under the Institute; 

Jan 2004 – Aug 2008: Audit Clerk, JKUAT 

Duties and Responsibilities: 

To review and assess adequacy of internal controls, financial control, accounting systems  and reporting structures to ensure effectiveness. 

To review the systems established to ensure compliance with the set up policies, plans,  procedures, laws and regulations 

Ensure University assets are safe guarded 

Continuous updating of internal Audit procedures 

Writing reports to the Chief Internal Auditor 


2009: JKUAT CEP-Approved Centers Seminar (29th-30th January 2009, at Kenya  Utalii Hotel), Theme: Strategic partnerships aimed at offering Quality Training to  Achieve the National Vision of 2030.” 

2009: JKUAT-UWIC Emergency Preparedness Public Health Seminar (14th-15th September, 2009 at the Utalii Hotel)

2010: Intellectual Property Workshop (June 2010) 

2010: Management of Academic Affairs (3rd Sep, 2010), Training of Academic Division  Customer Care & Public Relations (8th– 11th Sept 2010) 

2011: Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) Seminar held by the Office of the Prime Minister Research Undertaken: 

2017: PhD Research work: The Role of Strategic leadership on Execution of CIDPs by  county governments in Kenya. 


James Kamau Waribu (2021).Exploring the Role of Innovation in Execution of County  Integrated Development Plans by County Governments in Kenya. African Journal of  Emerging Issues Vol. 3 (2) pp 145-164, ISSN 2663-9335 

J.K.Waribu, K.Karanja &M.Sakwa, (2018).Analyzing Role of Envisioning in Execution  of County Integrated Development Plans by County Governments in Kenya. African Journal of Business and Management Vol.4 (1) pp23-51, ISSN 2518-0312 

J.K.Waribu,K.Karanja & M.Sakwa,(2018).Analysis of the Effect of Institutionalization of  Programmes in Execution of County Integrated Development Plans by County  Governments in Kenya. African Journal of Business and Management Vol.4 (2) pp1-21,  ISSN 2518-0312 

2010: Research work: MBA Research Project Titled, “The effects of Constituency  Development Funds (CDF) Funded Projects in Contributing to Business  Performance (A Survey of Juja Constituency) 


1. Tomee S. Lilian- CBM12/10851/17-MBA- Presented her Proposal on 24th June  2021 Titled-Competitive Strategies & Performance of Small Electronics Business  in West Pokot County Kenya-awaiting final defense 

2. Evans I. Obiso-DCB/10425/15-PhD- Title-Influence of Green Supply Chain  Management Practices on Organizational Performance of Oil & Gas Marketing 

Firms in Kenya-Moderated by Government Regulation-Defended His thesis  successfully-graduated December 2023 

3. Herman K.Rotich-CM11/0344/2007-MBA-Title-An Assessment of the Effects of  the Strategic Planning Practices on the Performance of National Hospital  Insurance Fund, South Western Kenya Region-Data Analysis 

4. Lindah Jeptoo-MCB12/00022/21-Title-Influence of Strategy Implementation on  the Growth Among Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Nandi County: A  Case Study of Boresha Sacco-Data Analysis 


 2021: BOM-Member-Senior Gichohi Secondary School-Maragua-Murang’a 


1992: Student of the Year Award, Karima High School 

2004: Commendation Certificate, JKUAT 

2011-2014: Ranked Excellent Staff on Performance Appraisal Results, JKUAT 


Reading, Teaching, Socializing, and Current Affairs on governance  


1. Dr.Caleb Akuku 

Contact (0721-299-487) 

Dean-School of Business &Economics 

Kisii University 

2. Dr. Josphine Ondari 

Contact (0722-910-262) 

  Chair-Business Administration Department 

 -Kisii University

3. Prof. Karanja Kabare  Contact: (0722-964-988)  JKUAT

Dr. James N. Kamau Waribu (PhD)

Lecturer-& Strategic Management Expert-School of Business & Economics- Kisii University